It’s been a busy week(2 weeks? I don’t even know) since i’ve posted. I went to CS games in Montreal on the weekend, it was great! i did all sorts of fun stuff and there were nerds everywhere! There was also all kinds of employers there, none of which i talked to :/
On a more random note, my cat just stood up on his hind legs and sniffed my elbow… second time today a cat has stood up next to me like that, it’s weird.
Luckily exams are over now, and all the winter sports are starting to wind down, so it’s going to be a little less hectic for a bit. at least until more exams come :P
To get back to the title, which i put there so i wouldn’t forget about it, it’s from the song “Barbra Streisand” by Duck sauce. We sang it a lot at CS games because the cs games president’s name is sandy woo.